
NSNT Fragrance Free Odor Eliminating Spray 8oz 12pk

Is it just us or do you also wish you had something to clear the smoky air before your neighbors started complaining to your landlord? or you were able to smoke in the bathroom without needing to hang half your body out the window? or had something to use when your kids unexpectedly come running down to the basement and the couches smell like you live in a grow house?

call us your genie, because we are granting your 3 wishes today!

our 8oz ready-to-use spray is the perfect choice for when you are smoking in a larger space and you don’t want to feel out of place! keep one in the bathroom, under your sink, even in the console of your car!

Additional information
Weight 7.94 lbs
Dimensions 9.5 × 9.25 × 7.5 in