
Mooselabs has been providing cannabis connoisseurs a cleaner intake since 2019. After extensive R&D, they created their specially designed MouthPeace Filters with health and flavor-enhancing benefits. First, the rim of the filter is created from biodegradable and recycled materials, so you can feel good about your purchase. Second, the filter itself is made of triple-layer activated carbon, which filters and sanitizes the smoke or vapor, creating a cleaner intake free of resin, contaminants, or tar. Lastly, the triple-layer design stops larger particles in their tracks while allowing smaller ones to pass through, all without blocking your intake or reducing your airflow.

MooseLabs Mini Filters are compatible only with the MooseLabs MouthPeace Mini and should be replaced regularly for the best experience. A new filter will be gray in the center. If it is used and requires replacement, the center will be brown or dark yellow, depending on the substance that you’re intaking. After a filter change, you will taste and feel the difference immediately!


Additional information
Weight 0.33 lbs
Dimensions 5 × 1.5 × 5.5 in

Moose Labs